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Your Program Is Amazing

Three women ChiWalking outdoors on sunny day

Hi, I’m a family doctor in Santa Rosa and have recently discovered your amazing running program.  I’m recommending your materials to my running patients. I would also like to get more information on ChiWalking to learn and to pass on.

Commendation For Instructor Steve Mackel

Danny Dreyer ChiRunning with a man and woman

Dear ChiRunning/ChiLiving team, I recently took a private class with Steve Mackel who, in my humble opinion, has to be one of your best Instructors. I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed my ChiRunning class with Steve. As with learning something new, I was a little bit nervous at first but his calm […]

A Physician Resolves Chronic Knee Pain

I have been competitively and recreationally running for 40 years. As was so well described in the ChiRunning book, I have been through the injury, strengthening, improvement, re-injury cycle so many times that I can’t count. Anyway, I have digested the book and DVD which I bought 2 weeks ago. It is amazing, but I […]

Best Book I Have Ever Read

Danny Dryer teaching ChiWalking to older man and woman

Hi, just want to let you know that this one of the best books I have ever read. It is very informative and very easy to follow. This book has made my running more enjoyable and pain free. I whish I would have read this book a long time ago. As I continue to practice […]

ChiRunning for Air Force Fitness Test


I have been a Chi Runner since 2006. I was forced into running because of the Air Force Fit test. I decided I needed to run outside to get a better run time. I was worried about getting hurt and then I found the ChiRunning book in a local bookstore. I read the book cover […]

A Pastor’s Impression of ChiRunning

Danny Dryer teaching ChiWalking to older man and woman

This quote from “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss (Chapter 54, first section) sums up my beginner’s impression of ChiRunning: “It’s is in the way he is holding himself”, Wilem said, breaking his usual thoughtful silence. “Standing straight, neck unbent, shoulders back.”  He gestured vaguely to illustrate his points.  “When he steps, his […]

ChiRunning With the Marathon Training Program

ChiRunning is simply amazing. I thought I was naturally a midfoot striker, but through Body Sensing I have learned that I often ran on the outside edges of my feet, and also tensed up my lower legs and ankles. Predictably, I suffered from calf muscle strains and ankle pain, which often sidelined me for weeks […]

ChiRunning Fan is Fast and Comfortable

Danny Dreyer ChiRunning with a man and woman

I have been a marathoner and ChiRunning nerd for a few years now and just ran my first triathlon at IM Oceanside 70.3. During the half marathon I was in a fast comfortable stride and having a great time while everyone around me suffered. Even some of the spectators commented on how happy I was! […]

Your Workshop Changed My Life

Danny Dreyer ChiRunning with a man and woman

Dear Danny and Katherine, Just finished the ChiRunning 5-day Workshop at the Omega Center; it was life changing. The very next day on my morning run — 1.  I shaved over 1-1/2 minutes off of my first mile without even trying (was concentrating on form NOT speed). 2.  I flew down hills that I used […]

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