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ChiRunning > Training

Start with the Right Technique

There’s no doubt about it, if you want to run your first 5K or get a personal best at a marathon, the best place to begin is with good running technique. Distance, conditioning, and speed then come with ease.

Effortless Training

Learn the ChiRunning technique to bring ease to your running. You’ll use gravity and the force of the oncoming road as your ally when you are properly aligned and no longer using your legs for propulsion.

Speed Comes Naturally

Improve your running skills so you can go at a greater speed with less effort, higher mileage with less recovery time. Use your alignment and your forward fall as your gas pedal instead of your legs to move faster and with more ease.

Strength Develops Naturally

Bring ease to your training as you incorporate deep, healthy conditioning of the mind and body. Enduring success comes out of running correctly, not out of the pressure to perform better. Practicing form and mental stamina allows you to go the distance.

Confidence in Mind & Body

Transform and up-level your performance by being both physically conditioned and mentally on top of your game. Training your mind and body to work together as a team will optimize your results and boost your confidence.

choose your starting point

The formula for success is a combination of technique, conditioning, and performance.


The ChiRunning technique will teach your legs to do less as you transfer the workload into your core. Become more efficient while preventing injuries as you train for your next event.


The ChiRunning technique has built -in conditioning which significantly reduces the need to cross-train. It will also bring ease to your training as you incorporate deep, healthy conditioning of the mind along with your body.


Improve your running skills so you can go at a greater speed with less effort, higher mileage with less recovery time. Being mentally ready and psychologically at the top of your game from start to finish will transform your performance.

race training plans

Run your first race or your best race with our signature technique-based training programs that help you lower your effort, increase your speed, and stay injury free from the start of your training to the finish line.

Get Your Free Chapter of chiRunning

Designed with your body in mind, ChiRunning makes running effortless, fun & pain-free!

What better place to start than chapter one of the ChiRunning book? It’s the perfect introduction to the techniques and principles that’ll have you loving your running program forever.

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