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ChiRunning > Getting Started > Beginning Runner

Set Yourself Up For a Lifetime of Injury-Free Running

Whether you’re brand new to running, returning from an injury, or remaining active while aging, you can create a foundation for healthy movement with ChiRunning. A perfect program for a beginning & recovering runner.

Run with Confidence

Bring the ChiRunning technique into your body and move with confidence. Since 1999, we’ve helped tens of thousands of beginning and recovering runners develop and transform their technique––reducing and preventing injuries.

Yet, ChiRunning isn’t just about running. It’s about the principles that empower you to live a healthy and balanced life.

Run the Right Way

It’s easier than you think! ChiRunning has developed step-by-step lessons to show you how to run with less impact and less effort.

We’ll show you how relaxation and natural efficiency can become an integral part of how you move your body. You’ll discover that every run becomes an opportunity for a simple, effortless, and feel-good experience.

Move the Way You're Meant To

ChiRunning takes its guidance from the inner design of T’ai Chi which asks us to move the body in a natural order, where the big muscles do the heavy lifting, the smaller muscles do less and the tiniest muscles do very little.

This runs counter to how most people run which is using the small muscles of their legs for propulsion, neglecting the abundance of power in their core.

Bring Chi into your life

Run Smarter Not Harder

Train for your 5K while learning the foundation of the ChiRunning technique in only 6 weeks and increase your aerobic and cardiovascular capacity, improve efficiency, and stay injury-free!

In just 6 weeks, this program will teach you the foundation of the ChiRunning technique, including longer running times to build aerobic and cardiovascular capacity. The Form Focuses will help your running become more efficient so you can reach your performance goals.

Woman celebrates after finishing marathon using ChiRunning technique
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Middle aged man and woman running together

Running After 50

If you’re reading this, you’re aging. Like it or not, none of us can pass on that hand. And, as long as you HAVE to age, do whatever you can, to do it well. The ...
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Phot of women's legs and feet, standing against a wall

Running Your Best at 40+

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Life begins at 40,” and without a doubt, some of the best years of my life were in my forties. But, all that good didn’t just happen. As I turned ...
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Sign reading strive for progress, not perfection

Progress, Not Perfection

Written by Haley Tunstall, Communications Director of ChiLiving, Inc. “Sorry, I’m only human!” This commonly used expression implies that humans are inherently flawed– a direct contradiction to the definition of perfection. While we all know ...
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