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ChiWalking > Getting Started > Beginning Walker

Walk Your Way to Wellness

ChiWalking unlocks the hidden potential of walking by exploring all its vast possibilities. With ChiWalking, you’ll get in prime physical shape, strengthen your life force, increase your energy, and be inspired for a lifetime.

Whether you are a fitness walker already, want to manage or release weight, are rehabilitating after illness or injury, or want to stay active while you age, ChiWalking will help you reach your personal goals, including looking and feeling better than ever.

Walk The Way You're Meant to Walk

The stresses of life have a cumulative effect on the amount of muscular tension we hold in our bodies. Most of us have taken on movement patterns that are constricted, at times to the point of being detrimental to our health.

Becoming a better walker is not dependent on how fast or how far you can walk, but on how well you can listen to your body and how well you can respond to its needs. With the ChiWalking technique, walking becomes easier on your body while helping to eliminate the aches, pains and discomfort of walking incorrectly.

Walk Your Way

The ChiWalking program offers 12 different types of walking workouts to create a balanced and exciting health program. The “menu” of walks includes: a Cardio Walk, an Aerobic Walk, a Flexibility Walk, a Loosening Walk, a Focusing Walk, an Energizing Walk, a Walking Meditation and more.

The walks are presented in the ChiWalking book in a detailed and understandable way, then summarized in an easy to read matrix which shows the key benefits of each walk.

Harness the Power of T'ai Chi

ChiWalking has within it the deep philosophical and psychological attributes of the centuries-old practice of T’ai Chi, which presents the opportunity for spiritual exploration and the integration of body, mind and spirit.

ChiWalking takes the benefits of walking beyond cardiovascular, aerobic and mental health, by addressing the needs of your whole person; joints and muscles, body and soul.

Bring Chi into your life

Get our Free ChiWalk-Run Digital Booklet

A 2-week guide of the basics. You’ll receive daily exercises and focuses specifically designed to get you moving the right way!

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Whether you’re walking for weight loss, fitness, returning from an injury, or remaining active while aging, ChiWalking creates a foundation for healthy movement.

Couple running alongside one another

ChiWalk-Run for Runners and Walkers

ChiRunning helps you reduce impact, minimize overuse injuries, and makes running faster both easier and safer. But, it does not eliminate the need for walking. All runners can benefit from ChiWalking. In fact, all runners ...
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Sign reading strive for progress, not perfection

Progress, Not Perfection

Written by Haley Tunstall, Communications Director of ChiLiving, Inc. “Sorry, I’m only human!” This commonly used expression implies that humans are inherently flawed– a direct contradiction to the definition of perfection. While we all know ...
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Woman walking on trail near water

Add Variety to Your Walking Routine

Do you ever find yourself bored with walking? Boredom can be detrimental to your walking practice and gnaw away at motivation.  If repetition and stagnancy keeps you from loving to walk, keep on reading. We ...
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