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ChiWalking > Daily Practice > Technique

Reinforce the Body-Mind Component in Each Step

You have the power to change the way you move! Becoming a better walker is not dependent on how fast or how far you can walk, but on how well you can listen to your body and how well you can respond to its needs.

With the ChiWalking technique, walking becomes easier on your body while helping to eliminate the aches, pains and discomfort of walking incorrectly–ultimately, improving your overall quality of life!

Get Aligned & Engage Your Core

Find your strength through posture and alignment. Learn to maintain structural alignment to allow your muscles to relax and your chi energy to flow more freely through your body.

When you use your core strength to move your body, rather than relying solely on your legs for propulsion, you’ll experience less discomfort and injury.

Create Balance

Create a fitness program that keeps your body balanced, invigorated, and challenged; as well as healthy, vibrant and fit.

Physical balance is essential to a sound, efficient walking technique. A mindful awareness of balance is essential to creating a walking practice that suits your needs. You’ll learn to develop a consistent consciousness of where your center lies and move from there.

Make a Choice & Move Forward

Learn to choose ease over force. When you move from your center, you will maintain your alignment and utilize the natural strength of your body.

Moving from your center will eliminate impact because you’ll no longer need to push off with your rear foot and catch with the front foot. You’ll learn to consciously choose to move with ease, and from your center rather than leading with your legs.

Bring Chi into your life

Get our Free ChiWalk-Run Digital Booklet

A 2-week guide of the basics. You’ll receive daily exercises and focuses specifically designed to get you moving the right way!

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ChiWalking makes walking easier on the body and helps improve and eliminate aches, pains, and the discomfort of walking incorrectly.

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Add Variety to Your Walking Routine

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Good Walking Technique: 3 Key Elements

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ChiWalk to Improve Health

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