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ChiRunning > Getting Started > Walk to Run

Get the Best of ChiWalking & ChiRunning

Chi Walk-Run is a gentle but powerful approach that makes it easy to start a fitness routine and stick with it. Using technique to transition between ChiRunning and ChiWalking allows your body to easily adjust to regular workouts and builds your cardio-aerobic conditioning. The goal of our ChiWalk-Run program is to eventually get you running consistently with confidence and ease!

One of the benefits of the walk-run approach is that whether you’re walking or running, many of the technique focuses you’ll be learning are the same for both.

Throughout your fitness journey, be kind to your body by remaining mindful of these 3 key areas:

Core Strength

Just like in T’ai Chi, you will create stability and maintain alignment using your core muscles. This allows your propulsion to come from your forward fall, rather than from pushing with your legs.


Build your body’s foundation using gradual progress. Start from where you are and gradually add in distance and speed while listening to your body. You have the freedom and flexibility to create a practice you love.

Aerobic & Cardio Capacity

ChiWalk and ChiRun intervals allow you to build your aerobic capacity one step at a time. You will move fluidly between the two to give yourself a rest when needed, and the speed when you desire.

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Get our Free ChiWalk-Run Digital Booklet

A 2-week guide of the basics. You’ll receive daily exercises and focuses specifically designed to get you moving the right way!

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Two women ChiWalking to ChiRunning
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Couple running alongside one another

ChiWalk-Run for Runners and Walkers

ChiRunning helps you reduce impact, minimize overuse injuries, and makes running faster both easier and safer. But, it does not eliminate the need for walking. All runners can benefit from ChiWalking. In fact, all runners ...
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Sign reading strive for progress, not perfection

Progress, Not Perfection

Written by Haley Tunstall, Communications Director of ChiLiving, Inc. “Sorry, I’m only human!” This commonly used expression implies that humans are inherently flawed– a direct contradiction to the definition of perfection. While we all know ...
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Woman walking on trail near water

Add Variety to Your Walking Routine

Do you ever find yourself bored with walking? Boredom can be detrimental to your walking practice and gnaw away at motivation.  If repetition and stagnancy keeps you from loving to walk, keep on reading. We ...
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