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A Pastor’s Impression of ChiRunning

This quote from “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss (Chapter 54, first section) sums up my beginner’s impression of ChiRunning:

“It’s is in the way he is holding himself”, Wilem said, breaking his usual thoughtful silence. “Standing straight, neck unbent, shoulders back.”  He gestured vaguely to illustrate his points.  “When he steps, his whole foot treads the ground.  Not just the ball, as if he would run, or the heel, as if he would hesitate.  He steps solidly down, claiming the piece of ground for his own.”

I’m not quite there yet, but what a wonderful example of how I feel as I mold myself slowly into a Chi Runner and as I begin to…claim each piece of the ground for my own.

God’s Peace,

Pastor Rob B

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