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I’m currently reading the ChiRunning book and adore it! I feel mentally improved already, and can feel subtle improvements each day I go running while keeping the Chi principles in mind and applying them to my form. I would love to attend one of your courses, but live in Rome, shucks! As soon as I’m stateside again, I’ll attend one and can’t wait for that chance!

An immense thanks,



I [ran my] very first half marathon, which I ran in Rome, in February. It’s called the Roma Ostia Half Marathon. I’ve got to tell you that since then, I’ve run two more half marathons (in Berlin and Stockholm) and have already shaved 15 minutes off my first time! I’m so thrilled with my time improvements, but more so because I feel increasingly better at the end of each race. I even sprinted towards the end of my last race in Stockholm because I’d been applying what I’ve learned from ChiRunning, and I felt so much more energetic than in previous races! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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