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Certified Instructor Wins First Place!

Hi Kathy and Nicole,

Danny called me in July regarding assisting with a workshop. He told me that I needed to be able to run about a 10K and at that time I couldn’t run more than 3 miles so I missed that opportunity. By September, Jeff and I ran 13.1 miles in the Salt Flats 1/2 Marathon. In October we ran the City of Trees 1/2 Marathon. This is a picture of me getting an award for finishing first place in the 60-65 women’s category. In October I also ran in the Barber to Boise 10K and the High Speed Pursuit 1/2 Marathon taking first in my age group in both events. Jeff has participated in other events as well. I believe he is up to running about 20 miles and is doing great.

Thanks to ChiRunning, at the age of 63, I can run and am getting faster and am at the point that I am walking my talk or running my talk and feel more authentic when teaching. I will forward a couple of other photos of Jeff and I running. (I am still working on my form. Gradual progress!)

I just thought you would like an update on two of your instructors. I told Danny I would let him know when I could run farther than 3 miles so would you forward this to him?

Have a great weekend!

Karen S

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