Gliding Across the Pavement With ChiWalking

I am a 48 year old woman and I walk 3.5 miles a day. Just found out about the ChiWalking technique and tried it this morning, Aug. 17, 2010, for the first time. Wow! I’m amazed at the difference. My walking pace was faster and I felt as if I were gliding across the pavement […]
First-Time Marathoner Doctor Ran Boston Injury-Free With ChiRunning

Dear Danny and Katherine, I am writing to let you know about my running experience before we meet at the Kripalu ChiRunning workshop coming up in 10 days. I am an internal medicine doctor at the University of Massachusetts. I am originally from Venezuela, and I started running a little over 10 years ago when […]
Chi Walked a Marathon!

Yesterday I finished my first marathon! I accomplished this using the ChiWalking technique, with a few ChiRunning moments thrown in for good measure. The focuses helped me get through the tough parts, and when I got to the last few miles and I was exhausted, each step was a reminder to perfect my form, breathe […]
Best 5K Ever with ChiWalking

I got to tell you that this was the best 5K I’ve ever had in my life and didn’t experience any pain in my shin nor sprained my ankle. I’m so pleased that I wasn’t sore at all and my timing was 56.32. Back in 2008, when I took off running at the start line […]
Amazing Stroke Recovery with ChiWalking

I want to thank you for your ChiWalking book !!!!! A stroke left me with limited balance and some weakness in my right side. I spent about three years depending on a cane and walker. People now say that they have never seen me look better. I am walking about 2 miles twice a day […]
After Trying ChiWalking, She’s Never Felt Better

Jeff Rosenblum is an amazing, amazing trainer! He is totally engaged with each and every student and offers positive reinforcement and help for improvement. He is always available for in-person questions during class or via phone or e-mail after class. In addition, he knows every muscle and nerve in the body and what may be […]
Running on Air No More Ankle Problems

I was a traditional runner most of my adult life, but eventually I wore out my ankles from poor posture and the punishment of daily runs in New York City’s Central Park. I should have known better. I ignored the throbbing in my right ankle, figuring the pain was another sign of aging. After a […]
Supportive Community to Support Each Other

I like knowing that there are others out there doing what I am doing, working on our ChiRunning, and supporting each other – it does feel like a community and right now that’s important. Laurel F
Walking Miles Pain-Free After Ankle Injury

It seems so long since we were in sunny NC with you (Danny) and Katherine. Lynn and I have been totally faithful in our Chi walks and runs, going out daily and deepening our experience with your techniques. Because of an old ankle injury that tends to swell when I run, I’ve become a faithful […]