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After Trying ChiWalking, She’s Never Felt Better

Jeff Rosenblum is an amazing, amazing trainer! He is totally engaged with each and every student and offers positive reinforcement and help for improvement. He is always available for in-person questions during class or via phone or e-mail after class. In addition, he knows every muscle and nerve in the body and what may be causing pain when walking and how to correct it.

His ChiWalking class is designed for anyone – from people who have not exercised in a long time to those who want to improve their posture, strengthen crucial core muscles (i.e. your “core”), relax tight and overused muscles that may be causing pain, and gain cardio and aerobic conditioning.

Prior to Jeff’s ChiWalking class, I thought the only way to stand up straight was to “throw one’s shoulders back”. In the very first class I quickly learned how to align my body and engage my core, and by doing so was standing straighter than I have stood in a very long time.

I have never felt better than after his class; I have increased energy for the day.

I highly recommend Jeff and his ChiWalking class for everyone.

Ronelle “Ronnie” G

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