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Your Program Is Amazing

Three women ChiWalking outdoors on sunny day

Hi, I’m a family doctor in Santa Rosa and have recently discovered your amazing running program.  I’m recommending your materials to my running patients. I would also like to get more information on ChiWalking to learn and to pass on.

Enjoying Faster, Easier, Pain-Free ChiWalking

Danny Dryer teaching ChiWalking to older man and woman

Today I found myself walking for 3 hours in town without feeling any pain in my knee or foot, and also felt as if I was doing everything right. When I looked in a shop window that I passed, I noticed that my feet were moving behind me and not ahead of me. I was […]

From Dr. William Mullins

Group ChiWalking on outdoor trail

ChiWalking is a walking technique that places much less stress than conventional walking on the joints and supporting structures in the legs and back. I have recommended the technique to many patients who suffer from arthritis in the legs and/or back, but would like to continue to walk regularly for exercise. Using ChiWalking, my arthritis […]

Lifestyle Changes with ChiRunning


Age: 56 Weight: 205 Height 5′ 8″ Health: Diagnosed hypertension, pre-diabetic, 3rd-stage kidney disease Medications: 2 high blood pressure, one blood sugar and one for cholesterol Lifestyle: Non-athletic, couch potato, hated running Based upon blood tests in Feb. 2010, my MD sent me to a renal specialist because I had lost over 30% of my […]

No Longer in Pain

Group of elderly people ChiWalking with Danny Dreyer

I have read many, many books in my life and this is the first time I have ever felt compelled to contact the author, but I just had to thank you. I am 39 years old and I am over weight. I have back pain and sciatica. My son is 9 years old and I […]

Basics of ChiWalking

Hey Danny, I met you a the Big Sur Marathon expo late on Saturday. I’m the one who couldn’t train for her 21-mile power walk due to a sprained ankle. Thanks for showing me the basics of chi walking. I incorporated your advice as much as possible. Not only did I finish the event with […]

Well Being Energy

Three women ChiWalking outdoors on sunny day

I gave birth to our first child, Mae Louise, two weeks ago. During the last two trimesters of my pregnancy I was able to do ChiWalking. I had to make a few small changes in stride length and postural alignment, but still felt the generation of well-being energy and avoided back/pelvic pain!

Walking Miles Pain-Free After Ankle Injury


It seems so long since we were in sunny NC with you (Danny) and Katherine. Lynn and I have been totally faithful in our Chi walks and runs, going out daily and deepening our experience with your techniques. Because of an old ankle injury that tends to swell when I run, I’ve become a faithful […]

Grateful for ChiWalking in New Zealand

Group ChiWalking on outdoor trail

Hi, I learned ChiWalking in New Zealand this year. I had two very friendly instructors (Mary Lindahl and Loreen Ozolins). They were full of enthusiasm to show me how to walk injury free. I enjoyed this workshop very much. For two years I have always had pain when I was walking – the worst was […]

Lost 135 lbs and doing my first marathon in 30

Group of elderly people ChiWalking with Danny Dreyer

Dear Danny and the Chi staff, In May 2009 I weighed 334 lbs and started a walking program. I slowly introduced jogging in September, 2009 and have steadily increased my distance and pace. Today, I weigh a bit less than 200 lbs and will run my first marathon in 30 years on Sunday. In January […]

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