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ChiRunner Experiences Truly Effortless Running

Three women enjoying ChiRunning

I wanted to share an experience that I recently had while running that I thought you might enjoy. I was in the later miles of the run and was feeling a little tired. I found myself having to be more cognizant of my posture and then I took some breaths and connected inwards to Chi. […]

Great Running & Self-Improvement

Three women ChiWalking outdoors on sunny day

I love the feeling of belonging in a universe of great running and self-improvement, where everyone has a story that inspires everyone else. Carolina P

Healing after Surgery Through ChiRunning

Group of elderly people ChiWalking with Danny Dreyer

In May 2010, a good friend of mine suffered renal failure due to FSGS (a scarring of the kidneys). He was on dialysis 5 hours a day, 3 days a week. Fortunately, I was an organ match. Our transplant surgery was Dec 17th. Living kidney donor surgery is now done laparoscopically (overview of surgery – […]

Life Transformed by ChiRunning

Group of men after ChiRunning workshop

Wow, I feel so amazing after my run this morning! I used to HATE running, only put up with it because I love biking and swimming and tolerated running to do Triathlon. I always used to finish in the bottom quartile running and this always took me out of the hunt for an age group […]

Private Session with Danny Dreyer is ‘Preventative Medicine’

Danny Dreyer ChiRunning with a man and woman

Dear Danny, I just want to thank you for an incredible ChiRunning workshop this past weekend in Portland. I’m so grateful that you were able to discover this more natural and centered way to run, and generously share it with others. The (shared) private session was also incredibly valuable to me as “preventative medicine”, which […]

Running Faster, Longer, and Pain-free with ChiRunning

Three women ChiWalking outdoors on sunny day

I am 51 and have been running since I was 21. In the last years, I have had repeated discomfort while running, mainly with my Achilles tendon getting swollen and my Sciatic nerve becoming problematic after 30 minutes run. When I learned about ChiRunning, I found the philosophy and the technique very interesting and intelligent. […]

Running Like a Kid Again

David P

About three weeks ago I had a very strong memory of what it felt like to run when I was a seven-year-old. The freedom, the exhilaration, the laughter. What happened in the intervening 41 years? Well last weekend I found out how to run like a kid again, all thanks to Danny. I worked with […]

Running the Broken Toe 50K After a Stress Fracture Recovery

Randy K

I want to thank Danny Dreyer for ChiRunning and all that’s followed. I’ve read his book cover to cover 3 times and it’s about time to read it again. Back in early June, I ran my first 50K event, only to find out later that my body sensing, ego monitoring, general awareness, etc were not […]

Setting PR’s Injury Free

Marc F

I started running only 2 years ago and decided to train for a marathon that first year. I was very happy I managed to complete it but I did pick up a couple of minor injuries along the way. It was not long afterwards that I discovered ChiRunning and being a long time tai chi […]

Supportive Community to Support Each Other

I like knowing that there are others out there doing what I am doing, working on our ChiRunning, and supporting each other – it does feel like a community and right now that’s important. Laurel F

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