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Self-care is Sacred

Written by Katherine Dreyer, Co-Founder of ChiRunning & ChiWalking
Founder of ChiLife Coaching


I’m sure you’re familiar with the usual pre-flight instructions in which attendants instruct us to secure our oxygen masks first before assisting others. The airlines have given us permission to take care of ourselves first.

It has become the perfect metaphor to remind us that it is not just okay to prioritize self-care – it is essential.

We know this, yet somehow, the deep-rooted guilt, conditioning and societal norms often cause us to feel like self-care is a luxury or indulgence rather than a fundamental need.

Why does our self-care seem to be the first thing we abandon when life gets busy or chaotic?

Meditation, eating well, exercising are just a few examples of self-care practices…but frequently end up being part of a guilt-inducing list of “shoulds” and “oughts”.

When you are spread too thin self-care gets associated with over-indulgence because you do things not to renew your energy, but to escape stress and pressure. You might eat too much sugar, drink too much wine or mindlessly shop even when you don’t need anything.

There’s nothing wrong with being indulgent now and then, but it becomes an issue when these self-care counterfeits wreck havoc on your health or your bank account.

That is not self-care.

Almost all of my clients come to a point where they see and understand that they’ve been giving a lot to others, to their work and children, spouse, community, which, while rewarding, they recognize something is missing.Something significant.

Giving is fulfilling, until it isn’t, often leaving a sense of emptiness in its wake.


Get Your Free ChiLife Coaching Session

Discovering what you really want, what feels deeply nourishing, is a sacred process.

The sanctity of self-care lies in recognizing that life yearns for and relies on your full presence and realization of your potential. Life needs you, not just to care for others, but to be fully YOU.

This is why I started ChiLife Coaching.

The Chi practices of Deep Listening, Body Sensing, Non-identification, Y’Chi, Alignment and Relaxation, and Program Development are all used to enrich not just your walking and running, but your whole life.

We’ll give special attention to the deepest places within that want to be seen, heard and loved. This is where your most creative and vibrant parts are hidden away.

Karyn, a client of mine, said, “I had no idea that so much was left in me, to feel, to experience…to actually enjoy!”

Self-care goes beyond mere pampering or relaxation; it’s about honoring your inner needs and nurturing your well-being on a profound level. It’s a journey that allows you to reconnect with yourself, discover what truly nourishes your soul, and cultivate a deeper sense of balance and fulfillment in your life.

Only you can discover what you need. No one else can tell you. I can be your guide.

ChiLife Coaching adapts the principles used in ChiRunning and ChiWalking to bring positive change to your whole life.


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