Written by Katherine Dreyer, Co-Founder of ChiRunning & ChiWalking
Founder of ChiLife Coaching
Danny went for his annual checkup, and both the nurse and doctor, separately and just minutes apart, remarked on how loud and strong his heartbeat was.
For a 75-year-old man, he is quite hale and hearty!
I can lay my ear on his chest and when I listen, his heartbeat is like a bass drum, the pumping action resonating deep in me as well, strong and sure. I feel privy to the most astounding phenomena life has to offer…the beating heart.
Danny and I spoke of it as I listened. What is it that makes our hearts keep beating? What a miracle that it does! What an amazing mystery, this rhythmic pulsing of life itself.
We reminisced about the first time we heard our daughter Journey’s heartbeat while I was pregnant—it remains one of the greatest joys of our lives.
And, none of us are that far from our hearts’ beating for the last time.
The unknown. The inevitable. The wonder of it all.
It was an inspiring and deeply felt conversation, sending us both to a quiet still place where every moment is precious.
Sometimes our heart is very quiet and sometimes it gets very loud. Anger and frustration makes it pump more fiercely. Fear can make it feel as if our heart has stopped, or that it’s beating so rapidly it might jump out of our chest.
And just as the Grinch’s heart grew 3 sizes in one day, love and compassion make the heart expand and grow big and strong.
The heart is very responsive to our thoughts, our feelings and how we interpret our experiences. We can be mindful of that, mindful that we are having an effect on our heart, and other hearts around us as well.
We want to create the conditions for our hearts and all hearts to do well, eating a heart-healthy diet, and taking your heart out for a ChiRun or ChiWalk!
And, what the heart loves most, is to be listened to, honored and used for its main purpose – connection.
The heart connects all the systems that keep us alive by pumping oxygenated, life giving blood throughout the body. And it keeps us connected to others with feelings of love, empathy, understanding, compassion, caring, sympathy, all feelings associated with the heart.
Listening to your heart is a practice that takes time, intention, and cultivation. By turning your attention to your heart you begin to learn its language, the language of feelings, of intuition and a deep, resonating knowing. Its voice doesn’t use words, but it speaks, nonetheless.
The twists and turns of the heart are circuitous and winding and open into the most beautiful places when traveled and explored.
ChiLife Coaching adapts the principles used in ChiRunning and ChiWalking to bring positive change to your whole life.
Get a Free ChiLife Coaching Session with Katherine Dreyer, co-founder of ChiRunning, ChiWalking and ChiLife Coaching.
What to expect: In your free 50-minute session, you’ll get a feel for working with me and ChiLife Coaching. We’ll explore one of your challenges or goals. It’s a great way to experience the support and guidance you’ll receive in regular sessions. You can easily book your spot through my online scheduler. You’ll get all the details by email right away.