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How Can Purpose Enhance Longevity and Fulfillment?

Written by Katherine Dreyer, Co-Founder of ChiRunning & ChiWalking
Founder of ChiLife Coaching

In all the studies on longevity, there are several key factors to living a long and healthy life:

  • Exercise
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Community and connection with others
  • And…


Purpose is not only important to help you wake up and get out of bed with something to look forward to. It is also a crucial foundation behind all the other key factors of living a full and meaningful life.

When you have intention and purpose motivating your positive routines, creating a healthy lifestyle comes easily and naturally without forced effort. You find yourself unencumbered by inner resistance and conflict.

You look forward to moving in the fresh air, preparing healthy foods, and getting to bed early so you can wake up refreshed. You appreciate the people in your life even more deeply.

However, those of us with a Western mindset often struggle to grasp the concept of purpose. We associate it with accomplishing something specific and tangible.

Purpose is not an accomplishment or a final destination. It’s something you live by as your North Star. It is a guiding light. When you have purpose, decisions are much easier to make. Life flows.

One client of mine, Charlotte, was really struggling with doing too much and not being appreciated. As we listened to the parts of her that were deeply frustrated, she had an epiphany and the words that came were clear and direct.

“I will love and appreciate my unique self, undeterred by circumstances.”

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To you and me, those are fine words, but we might or might not find motivation in them. To Charlotte, it came from a deep listening to what was really called for in her life. It lit her up and gave her renewed energy.

When you experience your own deep yearning, and hear the answer precisely articulated so that it resonates in every aspect of your life, you’ve found purpose.

Charlotte said it made her feel empowered, humbled, wise, clear-eyed, and connected to something bigger. It was a significant turning point for her.

Gain access to your inner wisdom by understanding the deeper significance and purpose of the challenges and experiences that shape your life.

ChiLife Coaching adapts the principles used in ChiRunning and ChiWalking to bring positive change to your whole life.


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