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Congrats To Our Newest Senior and Master Instructors!

Group of runners facing Danny giving instruction

Every year, our Instructors spend hundreds of hours teaching, studying, and deepening their knowledge of wellness. Our Instructors are so dedicated and enthusiastic about spreading ChiRunning & ChiWalking to everyone!

It’s such a huge accomplishment to become a Certified Instructor with so much work put into it. It takes even more time, effort, and teaching to upgrade their status to a Senior or Master Instructor.

With pleasure, we’d like to congratulate our Instructors who have attained new levels this year!

Certifying Masters

Ken Presutti, Pennsylvania, US

Sarah Richardson, Vermont, US

Clarence Chan, Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia

Master Instructors

Amelia Vrabel, Colorado, US

Senior Instructors

Certified Instructor Alan Gardner running race

Alan Gardner, New York, US

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