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Beyond the Grooves: Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

Written by Katherine Dreyer, Co-Founder of ChiRunning & ChiWalking
Founder of ChiLife Coaching


Ideas and beliefs are like deep grooves in the landscape of our lives.

Like the boundaries of rivers and creeks that have dug in over the millenia, we have ideas and beliefs that define us, and sometimes, unfortunately, limit us.

Some of these long-held beliefs come from generations before us. We catch glimpses of this when we realize, “Yes, I am just like my mother or father.” And in many ways, that can be a beautiful thing.

My mother’s New England stoicism gave me a sense of deep-rooted stability. She had a strong presence, undoubtedly the ground and structure of our family.

But, with it came a limited and strict idea of right and wrong. It was black and white. Little room for interpretation.

I often felt on the wrong side.

She was outgoing and very social and didn’t think my shy introversion and vulnerability were healthy. “You’re too sensitive,” she would say in a strong, authoritarian tone.

Being a child, I believed her. Her strength seemed to prove she was right.

Her voice is still in me, sometimes quite critical of the slightest deviation of what I “should” be.

It can both limit and do harm to my self-view and can have a negative impact on my relationships when I impose those views on others.

The big realization…it’s not really true!!

Thank heaven things changed for me significantly in my mid 20’s when I started meditating and exploring spirituality.

I discovered a world of potential, possibilities and creative nuance within. My life changed dramatically—for the better.

You can get unstuck from all kinds of limiting beliefs – those of your parents, those of society, and the self-imposed ideas that keep you locked in patterns that seem to rule your life.

I see it in my clients all the time, and their joy and relief when a realization and new perspective breaks open onto a vista of spaciousness and clarity.

Change is not only possible, when we’re living in a more responsive flow, it is the norm.

My client Marjorie wrote me, “It didn’t happen in a burst of light, but there has been a gradual shift in how I’m seeing my life. I was stuck and a little down, but didn’t realize it. Now, I look at problems that come up with curiosity rather than dread. That seems small, but it’s changed everything for me.”

As Rumi says, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, There is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

Rumi’s field is a metaphor for our potential to be a wide open, spacious and curious witness to our life, to get beyond limiting ideas and sense into the gifts and the potential in front of us.

I’d love to be your guide.

ChiLife Coaching adapts the principles used in ChiRunning and ChiWalking to bring positive change to your whole life.



Get a Free ChiLife Coaching Session with Katherine Dreyer, co-founder of ChiRunning, ChiWalking and ChiLife Coaching.

What to expect: In your free 50-minute session, you’ll get a feel for working with me and ChiLife Coaching. We’ll explore one of your challenges or goals. It’s a great way to experience the support and guidance you’ll receive in regular sessions. You can easily book your spot through my online scheduler. You’ll get all the details by email right away.

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