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Thankful for an Arizona Instructor

I took the ChiRunning workshop in Phoenix from Lisa, and I have to comment on what a fantastic job she did. She obviously knows the Chi method of running as she immediately pinpointed each individuals weaknesses and corrections as needed. The class had a big swing in running experience from novice runners to highly experienced runners like myself (59 years old, 30+ marathons, 40+ ultra marathons, Boston marathon qualifier and finisher in 2009 and 2010, board member on 5 race committees in Prescott including the Whiskey Row Marathon).

During the class, Lisa never came across as critical. She made great suggestions on what to work on and how to proceed to the next level. From the first video taping to the last – in a mere 3-4 hours – there were some pretty dramatic changes in the running styles of the group. I am recommending the class to my running club in Prescott and a few have already told me that they will go see Lisa. She made the class fun, put everyone at ease, crammed a ton of information into a small timeframe and again…she knows this stuff even though she is fairly new with Chi herself. No doubt she will be a Chi “star” and a Chi Master if she wants to be. Thank you Lisa and I look forward to refreshers and other ideas you had for classes to help with all aspects of running.

Ken E

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