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Running Is No Longer a Chore, But a Pleasure!

When I started running at age 25, it took me a year to get to a mile! Side stitches, shin splints, etc. etc. But then I kept with it because well, it’s the best way to burn a pack of calories, and it would be years before I discovered inline skating, my first love! I never enjoyed running.

Then several years ago, my husband and I discovered the Chi Running newsletter and practiced different applications randomly, and even attended a workshop in Minneapolis. But what really clinched the deal was the ChiRunning School. Last winter, we had to cancel our spring break trip snowshoeing the North Shore because we had ice dams streaming water down the ceilings and walls of our home! I had to do something that felt special since I was now stuck at home. I decided to hit the treadmill in our basement and get through as many lessons as I could in that time. I did two-three at a time and, before I knew it, I was running for an hour–WITHOUT stopping to walk! Well, it’s just a miracle.

I want you and yours there at ChiRunning to know, that this program turned me from someone who viewed running as a chore to someone who now views running as a pleasure. That’s after 40 years of on-and-off-again running. It’s AMAZING!


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