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Regaining My Ability to Run, Thanks to Danny Dreyer and ChiRunning

Thank you Danny for your excellent C-spine detailed explanation article. I have been recovering slowly over the past 5 years from a near-fatal car accident. Complete recovery had eluded me because of an anterior rotation of my pelvis and Sacroiliac dysfunction. I would be adjusted by an osteopath, physio,and numerous chiropractor’s only to loose that correction almost before leaving the office! I lost my ability to run and often dragged a functionally longer leg because of this mal-alignment syndrome. Thanks to reading this wonderful article late last year I’m now able to realign myself instantly whenever I feel a shift is occurring. This correction really works and I know it could help many people out there who aren’t necessarily Chi walkers or runners. Now that I can hold a neutral spine I will begin my journey back to competitive running and my goal is to do this the ChiRunning way using your book and DVD to help me along the way. I pass along as much information as I can on this to my running friends.You really have given me back something that I love and thanks to you, now I can do it mindfully.


Sue B

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