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Enlightened by Omega Workshop and the Mechanics of ChiRunning

My wife and I attended the Omega Chi 2010 workshop in July for my 50th birthday. What more joy can there be than to eat wholesome food, run, be in an area of positive energies, wonderful company and  have sound rest! I had participated in a one day workshop several years back, so this was a great chance to refresh and learn. The mechanics demonstrated and sensing exercises has been very enlightening.

I am training for the JFK 50 miler and along with quality type runs (traditional tempo and track ) I have been doing a fair share of long runs. On Oct 2nd, I ran the Freedom Run Marathon and two weeks later ran the Baltimore Marathon. Both hilly, and Baltimore had serious head winds throughout the run. I ran 3:14 and 3:20 respectively and placed 3rd in my 50-54 age group in Freedom Run. Sunday after Baltimore, I awoke and went downstairs to our kitchen, rather than feeling the “oh my goodness my legs are shredded” as I went down the stairs my thoughts were directed to our glass front door noticing the leaves changing. My legs were no more sore than any other workout. In years past, I would have never thought of doing such distance and pacing, and perhaps only doing a spring and fall marathon. There are many elements in play, though foremost is mechanics and sensing from ChiRunning, which has brought me to a new level of play and running. As I ran in Baltimore and the winds were blowing my mantra was “Run like the wind.”

John E.

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