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2019 Instructor of the Year

Amelia Vrabel ChiRunning & ChiWalking Certified Master Instructor

Amelia Vrabel has been a Certified ChiRunning & ChiWalking Instructor since July of 2015. She quickly moved up to the level of Senior Instructor in 2017. This year, she earned her Master Level Certification. We’ve loved watching her grow– from amazing runner to inspirational running coach!

Amelia has continued to excel above and beyond her role as an Instructor. Her passion and enthusiasm for ChiRunning are apparent in everything she does! We are so grateful to have Amelia on our team!

“ChiRunning has done so much to help my running more relaxed, enjoyable, and injury free that I love to share what I have learned with other runners so they can find joy within their running practice. I have been teaching ChiRunning and ChiWalking to runners of all levels since 2015 and continue to grow my own practice as I help others.”

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