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Race Junkie with ChiRunning

ChiRunning has changed my life! I was dealing with an injury for a couple of years and finally got it under control, and then I discovered the ChiRunning book at a local supermarket. I picked it up and introduced myself to the process and got started about a week before running my first 10K at the age of 38! It went so well that I signed up for a half marathon which I will complete in August. I am “practicing” with every run and continue to improve my time — from 12+ minutes/mile to 9:45! And now I run without pain. No one actually believes that this is possible, but it is for me. When I finish a long run my abs are sore but my legs feel great and I feel as though I could continue running for miles!

I am sure I’m not doing everything perfectly but I continue to practice body sensing and the postures and to feel the power in my body. I really want to find a way to attend a workshop or even to become a ChiRunning instructor someday. ChiRunning has truly transformed my running practice and has turned me into a race junkie!

Wendi W

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