Hello! Just wanted to tell you that this weekend I used my new Chi skills to go kayaking! WOW, what a difference! So much more effective and great for paddling. When you paddle, you are supposed to twist your upper body at the same spot you twist for ChiRunning …and it makes for a great efficient, comfortable stroke. Plus, your legs and core are working with your arms too! I was not even sore in my arms the next day…and went kayaking again the next day. Thank you for your research and study to make our bodies last longer and with less injury!!
Not only that, but I find my back is happier and more flexible than it has been in years. I know my back is more flexible and healthy because of ChiRunning etc … It feels like about 20 years old! ( I am 54!)
I ran with my puppy ( 5 months old) on trails for the first time and I can say that your method of running helped me to not be so “trippy” and it makes trail running easier and more sure footed. Really great. I dont think I could go back to regular running if I wanted to because I bet ChiRunning is more “natural!”
Janet K