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How Quickly Can I Earn Back My Investment in the CRCWIT Program?

Group performing pre-run exercises

“How quickly can I earn back my investment in the CRCWIT Program?” was the third most-asked question to our recent request for feedback.  

This is a great question. While it would be easy to simply say, it’s up to you, there really is a bit more to it than that.   First, it comes down to what your personal circumstances are and will allow.  Recognizing that not everything is within your control is key. Second, how are you measuring your return?  If it’s just about earning your money back, then it’s a simple math problem.  So, let’s dig into things:

The speed with which you can recover your investment in the CRCWIT program will depend on a few factors: 

Factor 1: Time 

  • Will ChiRunning be or be part of your primary source of income?  Or will you be maintaining your current non-running related occupation? How often and when you teach makes a difference.  
  • How much of your life do you want or can you devote to being a ChiRunning professional? If your desire is to travel the globe teaching ChiRunning and ChiWalking, know that your travel expenses will offset some of your earnings, thereby slowing your rate of return.

Some CRCWIT graduates follow a transitional path starting out by maintaining current employment and training clients 2-3 times per week and over time, expanding their training time and income stream.  Others may choose to be more aggressive and actively begin running workshops and virtual sessions soon after receiving their certification

Factor 2: Access to and Volume of Market Demand 

  • Are you currently a fitness professional with a list of clients who might be interested in private Chirunning sessions or even a group workshop?
  • Do you already have an established coaching practice with a developed on and offline marketing plan to attract more clients?
  • Are you expanding your reach through social media, a website or email list? These are all great ways to go beyond the confines of your location and attract more clients.  

Factor 3: Price

If you have the flexibility to build your practice around your ChiRunning lifestyle, as well as access to a lot of potential clients, then the last piece of the ROI puzzle is price.  

  • While we can suggest a pricing range for private sessions and group workshops, Certified ChiRunning ChiWalking Instructors set their own prices.  
  • Price is determined by your local cost of living, how much people are willing to pay for the value you bring them, and what your potential competitors in the same or related fields are charging.  

From a monetary perspective, many ChiRunning ChiWalking Instructors earn back their investment in about three to six months doing what they want and love to do.  

For other’s having the ability to help improve people’s lives through pain-free, effortless running is priceless.  For them, the program pays for itself on day one, or at the moment their first client crosses their very first finish line.  The return is not monetary.

To summarize, the CRCWIT certificate is a valuable credential. It represents both professional expertise and a commitment to excellence in teaching.  It will enable you to attract potential clients and build a client base as quickly as you would like. 

Registration for our next Chi Running and Chi Walking Instructor Training program officially opens next Friday.  Class sizes are SMALL to retain the personal, high-touch education that ChiRunning is known for so, SPOTS ARE LIMITED!!!  

If you want to get your ChiRunning/ChiWalking business off the ground as soon as possible, don’t wait.  Get on the waitlist NOW, and we’ll open up registration early just for you!

If the possibility of becoming a Chi Running or Chi Walking instructor appeals to you — even if you are new to the technique — click on this link for notification of when the Chi Running and Chi Walking Instructor Training program is open for early registration!

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