ChiRunning > Become an Instructor
Become a Certified ChiRunning Instructor
Becoming a Certified ChiRunning / ChiWalking Instructor is one of the most gratifying endeavors you can undertake. The ability to bring people joy through movement and to help them accomplish goals they never thought possible is life altering – for both you and your students.
Our ChiRunning / ChiWalking Instructor Training is a five-month online/offline fusion (over 30 hours online group & 6 hours live 1-on-1) education program that thoroughly equips you to teach the principles of ChiRunning / ChiWalking in private or group sessions.
Transform Your Running Practice
Weekly lessons allow you time to integrate the ChiRunning & ChiWalking Technique into your body. Course instructors are available to critique your technique and provide valuable insight. Practice will make your running and walking more efficient while reducing injuries. The more efficiently you move, the more passionate you will become as a teacher and as a runner.
Gain Confidence as an Instructor
Build your confidence as an instructor through group discussion, weekly practice teaching, and self-reflection. The integrity of the course is designed to help you succeed!
A Business that Fits Your Lifestyle
Whether starting a new business or adding to your existing business, the ChiTeam will be available to guide your every step. Working with a few people or hundreds of people yearly is up to you! Once you meet the certification and licensing requirements, you have the freedom to create the business of your dreams.
Learn from Master Instructors
Learn ChiRunning in an organized and comprehensive way from professional Master Instructors. Each class is designed to allow Instructor Candidates time to ask questions, practice teaching lessons, and engage in learning new form focus lessons.
gain intensive training
Chi Certified Instructor Training is a five month online/offline fusion education program that thoroughly equips you to teach the principles of ChiRunning / ChiWalking in private or group sessions.
Learn the logistics of the course and dig into the content. Use the provided outline, scripts, teaching techniques, and drills from the ChiRunning Instructor’s Manual, including the ChiWalking technique.
You’ll Get:
- A Study Partner
- Workbooks
- Course Outline & Study Schedule
- Teaching Scripts & Value Points
- Instructions on the Foundational Lessons Including Posture, Ankle Lift, & Arm Swing
Learn to teach advanced ChiRunning techniques including cadence and hills using innovative demonstrations and exercises. Dive into program development and gain skills to incorporate video analysis into your teaching.
You’ll learn:
- Video Analysis Skills
- Warm-up Protocols (Body Looseners)
- Breathing Exercises
- Sample Programs You Can Teach
Learn best practices for building a sustainable business as a ChiRunning / ChiWalking Certified Instructor. Prep for your final exam and candidate video analysis. Work one-on-one with a Certifying Master Instructor to finetune your ChiRunning, ChiWalking, and teaching techniques.
You’ll gain:
- Deep ChiRunning Knowledge
- Technical Video Analysis Skills
- Business Plan Concepts
- Double Certification in ChiRunning and ChiWalking
Enrollment & Renewal Information
To become a ChiRunning / ChiWalking Certified Instructor Candidate you should be experienced in the ChiRunning and ChiWalking techniques. It is highly recommended that candidates have attend a workshop, or worked privately with a Certified Instructor, before enrollment in the program.
Financing options are available.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations are allowed up to 30 days prior to the final registration date for a full refund minus the $250 cancellation fee. If you are working directly with a Master Instructor your fee is non-refundable.
- Attend a ChiRunning and/or ChiWalking workshop, or work with a Certified Instructor within one year of attending the Instructor Training
- Submit payment
- Complete the Candidate Application
- Sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Receive access to the online course, ChiRunning, ChiWalking and ChiMarathon Books, digital copy of ChiWalk to ChiRun & Hills & Trails, metronome and ChiRunning neck gaiter & gloves.
- Attend 80% of the online classes
- Score 90% or higher on 3 Online Quizzes and a final exam
- Attend a six-hour 1-on-1 training session with a Master Instructor of your choosing. This session will include:
- A complete review of lessons and the ChiWalking / ChiRunning Technique
- Videotaping you teaching two random lessons and provide analysis of your teaching and ChiRunning / ChiWalking technique
- Complete 10 hours of pro-bono ChiRunning and 4 hours of pro-bono ChiWalking practice teaching
- Submit proof of Professional Liability Insurance
- If you don’t have this insurance, we recommend Sports Fitness Insurance
- Submit proof of basic CPR certification within the last year
- To maintain Certification, all Instructors must keep current Professional Liability Insurance, be current with licensing fee payment, have a current contract / NDA on file with corporate, and complete a biennial Recertification process.
- Biennial Recertification includes assisting a Master Instructor at a workshop for evaluation of teaching and personal form. This ensures that each Instructor is up to date with current teaching methods and materials. A self-video analysis of the Instructor’s ChiWalking & ChiRunning technique is also required.
Enroll Today
As a Certified Instructor, you will receive the tools you need to succeed including the complete set of ChiBooks, ChiVideos, and training manuals — just to name a few things. New instructors are not responsible for licensing fees for 6 months.
If you are unable to attend a Group Training, you can obtain your certification by scheduling Individual Training with one of our Master Instructors.
Interested in becoming a ChiWalking Instructor? Training sessions will be held concurrently, with the ChiWalking segment wrapping up in just 6 weeks. Sign up!
Fall Instructor TRAINING: STARTS September 24, 2024
Weekly Meetings: Tuesdays 6:30-8pm ET
Or, Train with a Master Instructor Privately any time/any where!

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