ChiRunning Live: 8-week 5K Training Program – Starts July 8th. Click for more info...

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Ed Malley

master instructor

Certified since March 2011

Ed Malley

instructor map marker California

Connect with Ed

Like so many good stories, that of my introduction to running involves a woman……But we’ll save that story for another day. Suffice to say, I love running. More importantly, I LOVE TEACHING ChiRunning and ChiWalking. There is nothing like the end of a workshop when students leave knowing they have the tools to dramatically improve their energy efficiency and to reduce, even eliminate, injuries! A recent email from a student says so much: “Dear Ed, It feels so weird to run without pain! Thank you!!”

Yes, I have done my share of 10Ks, half- and full marathons…Road, trail and beach…Led training programs for a national brand running store…Am up on nutrition and hydration issues…Even injury treatments like trigger point. And I am convinced that the single most important step one can take is to adopt the principles of ChiRunning or ChiWalking which will instill efficiency of motion and dramatically reduce the impact of running or walking on the body.

Today I did my first Chi long run (a 10-miler) and it felt great! For most of the run I felt like I could keep going forever. When I reached the end, my muscles and joints felt quite unfatigued. It was really enjoyable. Thanks again for showing us the light.

Dave, March 2019

I am so happy to Chi running now.  My cadence goes up to about 180 and I feel running lighter and smoother.  I am enjoying running much more than before.  I don’t have any race coming up right now and just enjoy summertime morning running.  I would definitely love to come to your level II class to learn more.

Newchi, June 2018

Thanks for the pictures and thanks for the workshop. Was fun, inspirational and very instructive. I actually went for a 10k run at Almaden Quicksilver Park just after the workshop and tried to work on the different things.

Fredrik, April 2018

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