Get Your Free Chapter of ChiWalking

ChiWalking: Fitness Walking for Lifelong Health and Energy

Transform walking from a mundane means of locomotion into an intensely rewarding practice that delivers real results.

Walking has been proven to combat depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and many other diseases. Keep yourself from getting sidelined with pain and injuries so you can maximize these health benefits with a consistent fitness walking program.

Get the First Chapter of ChiWalking FREE!

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Use our Five Mindful Steps to reinforce the body-mind component inherent in each step:

Get Aligned

Physically with your posture

Mentally with your intentions

Engage Your Core

Physically with your lower abdominals to create stability

Mentally by using your will power

Create Balance

Physically between your upper and lower body and between the right and left side of your body

Mentally by creating a balance and holistic fitness program

Make a Choice

Physically to walk with inner strength and grace

Mentally by making the small positive choices that make a difference in your life

Move Forward

Physically with consistency and confidence

Mentally with focused spaciousness

Get the First Chapter of ChiWalking FREE!

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