Interested in Becoming a Certified ChiWalking Instructor?

Join Our Waitlist for Spring 2023 Training!

Becoming a Certified ChiWalking Instructor is one of the most gratifying endeavors you can undertake. The ability to bring people joy through movement and to help them accomplish goals they never thought possible is life-altering – for both you and your students.

Our ChiWalking Instructor Training is a three-month online/offline fusion (15 hours online & 3 hours live 1-on-1) education program that thoroughly equips you to teach the principles of ChiWalking in private or group sessions.


As a Student You Will:

During Training

Score 90% or higher on Online Quiz and a final exam.

Attend a three hour 1-on-1 live training session with your Master Instructor. This session will include:

  • A complete review of lessons and the ChiWalking Technique
  • Videotaping you teaching two random lessons and provide analysis of your teaching and ChiWalking technique

After Training

Complete 4 hours of pro-bono ChiWalking practice teaching

Submit proof of Professional Liability Insurance (If you don’t have this insurance, we recommend Sports Fitness Insurance)

Submit proof of basic CPR certification within the last year


Certification Renewal

To maintain Certification, all Instructors must keep current Professional Liability Insurance, be current with licensing fee payment, have a current contract / NDA on file with corporate, and complete a biennial Recertification process.

Instructors have the option to choose an Instructor Tier that meets their business plan.

Biennial Recertification includes assisting a Master Instructor at a workshop for evaluation of teaching and personal form. This ensures that each Instructor is up-to-date with current teaching methods and materials. A self-video analysis of the Instructor’s ChiWalking technique is also required.

Enroll Today...

As a Certified Instructor, you will receive the tools you need to succeed including the complete set of ChiBooks, ChiVideos, and training manuals — just to name a few things. Once certified, new instructors receive 6 months of Partner Tier benefits.


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